Thursday, July 24, 2008

Early "Contractions"

We met with Todd on Tuesday night to go over the statement of work and the draft contract. It's much tougher than we thought ... so many decisions to be made. Options left and right. But after two and a half hours, we were really close, and I think we've made our decisions about what stays and what goes so the statement of work can be finished and the original quote revised into a more accurate picture of what will happen. At least, as we see it this week.

One of the funnier moments ... we were reviewing the contract and there is a line item in it that talks about the contractor's right to bring other potential clients in during the project so they can see work in progress. The discussion went something like this:

Todd: "Now realize ... I won't be sending someone over to your house to walk around and look at stuff by themselves."

Veda: "Oh, let me tell you ... we've got hawkeyes for neighbors. They have already called in the past saying, 'Veda, there's a guy sitting in a truck out in your driveway,' or 'Veda, I just wanted to be sure you knew that someone is in your backyard.'"

Todd: "Well, we won't have a client just showing up at your doorstep saying, 'Todd said I could come over and look at your new room.' They would be with us."

Veda: "Right. Well, I've told the neighbors, 'There's going to be all kinds of strange men coming in and out and around the house in the next few months, so not to worry.'"

Chip: [Scowls, making that same face when you hear something that's not quite right. If you're not sure what it looks like, go to a mirror and pretend your spouse just said that there will be many individuals of the opposite sex coming to your house while you're not there. Yep, that's the face.]

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